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Our Terms & Conditions.
Please make sure that you have purchased the right license for the usage of the image/photo. All photos are owned by the photographer and Picture Bank Europe. We do not grant any exclusive rights or sign off the owner's rights.

Private Use:
If you have purchased a download of an image from the Private use category, this entitles you to only use this for your private use.

What you can use it for:
- Downloaded to your computer for viewing, use it on your own personal social media account.

What you cannot use it for:
- Business social media accounts, used to advertise for sale/ rent or services. Advertisements, endorsements, commercial use, sponsorship, editorial, media, press releases or publications.

Editorial Use:
If you have purchased an editorial use license, you can only use this image once in print and once in digital media, like social media and websites. You cannot transfer the license, sell, rent, or give away the license right to a third party. Furthermore, you are restricted to the usage as per license options.

Credit Line: (Photographer) / Picturebank.eu
You get the correct Photographer name on the watermark of the image.

Commercial Use:
For commercial use, sponsorship, and advertisement, you will need to obtain a written and signed Model release form, as well as a release form from us before using the image. No exceptions. Should you use the image without prior releases, you agree to hold Picture Bank Europe and the Photographer free and out of any legal disputes arising from a potential lawsuit from the person(s) or Property that can be identified in the image. You take full responsibility for any actions that could arise from not getting a signed model/property / intellectual, release before using the image.


Failure to adhere to our terms and conditions will be a breach of the copyright laws and you can / will be held responsible for any cost and loss of earnings to the photographer and Picture Bank Europe. As well as any potential court and legal fees/fines imposed by the court or collection agency.

If you are not sure which license to purchase, please contact us first before buying and using the image. We do not accept / sorry did not know the attitude and delete it once you have used/placed it illegally you are responsible.

We only photograph people and persons at Private events where the event holder has given prior notification that if you attend this event, you could be photographed in the contents of media. Or if the photos taken are of Public interest. We operate a completely open and fair photography agency, and we do not upload images that portray a person or minor in any compromising positions unless it is of high media and public interest.